Welcome to Point Cook College
It is with tremendous pride that I welcome you to the Point Cook P-9 College website. Point Cook P-9 College, was established in 2010 after relocating from the RAAF base. Point Cook P-9 College has an unwavering focus on academic excellence and the provision of a wide range of opportunities to develop the skills, interests and knowledge of all children in our care.
Our state-of-the-art facility provides the very best in contemporary educational design and promotes active student-centred learning through the creation of adaptable, functional spaces. Our buildings consist of General Learning and Teaching areas, a Learning Resource Centre/Library, full size indoor gymnasium/basketball court, performing arts/music room, spaces for food technology, design, arts, STEM/Technology centre, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen & Garden (SAKG) and a community space managed by the YMCA.
At Point Cook P-9 College we have placed a great emphasis on establishing a dynamic partnership between staff, students and parents and together we make sure our students' schooling is positive, successful and engaging.
Point Cook P-9 College is a place where all students feel safe, are respected and highly challenged. Our teachers work in effective teams, planning for the success and learning of every child in the college. All of our staff at the college are highly professional, dedicated and caring. They provide quality learning experiences for the students that address their individual needs within a supportive learning environment.
Our philosophy is based around each student performing at their personal best in all areas of the curriculum. We celebrate effort and reward excellence in all endeavours. We commit to maximising the learning growth of every child. Our primary students have access to specialist classrooms and teachers for Visual Art, Performing Art, Physical Education and Indonesian and Japanese. Students in the Prep- 4 Sub College also have access to the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen & Garden Program.
Our Secondary students participate in a variety of core subjects such as Math, English, Science, Humanities, Careers, Digi tech, Design Tech (Food and Wood) and the ARTS.
We have also implemented our Year 7, 8 and 9 High Achievers Program (HAP) and Year 7, 8 and 9 Athlete Development Program (ADP). Students can join both these programs through and application process which is conducted each year.
To engage our students in the Middle Years, we have designed an extensive elective program. This allows for student choice and agency as they carve a career path based on their passions.
We work hard to provide a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment that inspires and challenges all members of the school community to embrace learning and achieve their academic, social, emotional and physical best. The college has a strong focus on developing the whole child with dedicated lessons to enhance students social and emotional well-being. The college has a strong partnership with The Resilience Project along with implementing the School Wide Positive Framework for managing behaviours of all community members.
We are LEARNERS, we are RESPONSIBLE, we are RESPECTFUL and we are SAFE are our College expectations and is taught and rewarded when these behaviours are demonstrated.
Point Cook P-9 College strives to provide a progressive and well-resourced learning environment that is underpinned by a strong set of values. As a staff we work together to develop the knowledge, skills and values in our students that will stand them in good stead for the future. We believe there is a positive tone evident immediately when walking into Point Cook P-9 College, with children, staff and parents proud of the college’s achievements.
I have a passionate view that all children can achieve success given the opportunity, support and motivation through the strong performance and development culture that we have at the college. The setting of individual targets and monitoring student progress ensures that every child experiences high levels of success.
As the principal of Point Cook P-9 College, I would like to extend an invitation to prospective families to visit or call the college and we would be happy to discuss the opportunities that await your children at Point Cook P-9 College.
Tracy Peters
College Principal
© Point Cook P-9 College